Recently I wrote
an email on Christian nationalism.
Since there's a lot of misunderstanding -- and even some fear -- about the topic, a follow-up is in order.
Many resist any suggestion of having an explicitly Christian nation
because they assume it means the church would rule over everything.
But I don't know anyone who advocates this.
And, a biblical Christian nationalism envisions something different.
It makes the case for the family, church and state each having limited authority within their respective spheres of responsibility -- and all accountable to God.
This is actually along the lines of what America's founders had in mind when they established a government of limited powers.
And this is consistent as well with what
the Bible teaches about civil rulers having authority only in a well-defined area as ministers of justice (Rom.13).
I don't know about you, but having limited power spread across several spheres under
God sounds better... and a lot less scary... than everything under the absolute authority of an elite ruling class that has no allegiance to God.
It's also in keeping with what's going to happen in the
future anyway... as the Son of God has been given the nations as His inheritance (Ps.2:8).
So don't let any talk of Christian nationalism distress you.
"For kingship belongs to the LORD and He rules over the nations" (Ps.22:28).
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