Ancient pagans
like like Plato and Aristotle were known to demean work involving manual labor.
Today, the same tendency to look down on physical work continues.
Take a current example...
If you get a degree in gender studies, the government will forgive your debt. Yet if you borrow money to get training and equipment to start a business as an HVAC technician, you're on your own.
Regarding our lower view of skilled physical work, we need to consider...
When Jesus came as a man, He did the work of a
builder. He applied Himself to this trade for many years.
And when He was crucified on a wooden cross, He not only did what was necessary for the forgiveness of sin, He set aright the good order of the
physical world.
This surely pleased God... because He too is a builder, who created the universe with the intent of making something glorious of it.
And as His image-bearers, we've all been made builders of sorts... that we might contribute to the glory.
In this light, Labor Day is more than a day off... it's an opportunity to reflect on the goodness of whatever labor God has given you to do.
"Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us; And confirm for us the work of our hands; Yes, confirm the work of our hands." (Ps.90:17).
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