Happy Independence Day to our American readers.
In the last line of the Declaration of Independence the signers pledged to one another their lives, fortunes and sacred honor.
Sacred honor isn't a phrase we use much, but it simply involves acting with integrity and doing the right thing before Almighty God -- especially under pressure.
Together, America's founders made this commitment to each other in their effort to reclaim God's authority over that of King George III.
After signing the Declaration, Sam Adams said:
"We have this day restored the Sovereign to Whom all men ought to be obedient. He reigns in heaven and from the rising to the setting of the sun; let His kingdom come.”
Sacred honor under the supremacy of God is certainly a biblical ideal.
The Apostle James put it bluntly:
"So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin" (Jas.4:17).
The Bible illustrates sacred honor throughout its pages...
... The Hebrew midwives, Moses, Daniel, Jesus, the Apostles and others show us how to risk all when faithfulness requires it.
As the American State increasingly seeks the place of God, sacred honor is an ideal that's becoming urgent for His people to embody today.
Righteousness exalts a nation (Pr.14:34).
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