This past Sunday marked the 50th day after Easter, or what's known in the Church as Pentecost.
Pentecost (described in Acts 2) remains one of the most significant events in the history of the world.
Let me give you a contemporary take on why this is so...
Over the past couple years info has been coming out about a Great Reset headed our way.
At first this was thought to be just a conspiracy theory, but it's becoming clear there really are elite individuals seeking to unify our world -- economically, politically and socially -- by imposing their own godless principles.
It's like they're trying to build the Tower of Babel all over again.
But here's what to remember...
On the day of Pentecost God sparked a Greater Reset.
To initiate this, He gave the gift of the Holy Spirit... who is the only true restorer of creation and unifier of the human race.
And in the giving of the Spirit, the Lord began to form a new humanity... which will grow in unity as it rediscovers God's design for the world.
So keep in mind...
The Great Reset is 'a thing'...
... but the Greater Reset unleashed at Pentecost is a bigger thing.
And the new creation set in motion by this Greater Reset will prevail.
Let this calm your fears and give you courage.
And may it also inspire you to avoid quenching the Spirit in your own life...
... and instead keep in step with Him as you fulfill your labors in the domains He's entrusted to you.
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