I'm finding that more people are seeing the need for a recovery of masculinity in our day.
That's good news!
But what do we mean by masculinity? And what would more manliness among men look like?
Many would say it involves growing in toughness, courage and sacrifice... and I'd say these are excellent starting points.
Yet we must say more.
We have to go beyond just toughening guys up... and get them embracing their God-given place in the world as men.
So in keeping with this need, I offer these five marks of godly masculinity.
1. Godly masculinity constantly sees God as looming large over life.
It sees God not simply as our helper, but as the sovereign Lord over all who is with us always as we carry out the commission He has for us.
2. Godly masculinity embraces God's call to live as His representatives in the world.
It sees spirituality not just about things to believe, but things to be done as we fulfill His design for us -- as His image-bearers -- to rule and cultivate the earth.
3. Godly masculinity looks to the Bible as the standard for knowing how to live in every situation.
It keeps its guard up against the lies of the culture and is not ashamed to abide in God's eternal truths.
4. Godly masculinity recognizes there are real world consequences to obeying and disobeying the Lord.
It doesn't limit God's principles to an abstract spiritual realm, but applies them to all of life, knowing they make a life or death difference.
5. Godly masculinity lives with a sense of responsibility toward the future.
It's not consumed by the pursuit of short-term pleasures, but it's always considering, planning and making decisions based on the effect on generations to come.
I could elaborate a whole lot more on each of these... and some day I hope to.
But for now...
If you're a man, ponder what these marks mean for you. And consider what adjustments you could start making today.
And for all, let's pray God will give us a recovery in biblical masculinity that these marks represent.