When Christians hear the phrase 'understanding the times' they tend to think it has prophetic significance, referring to the last days.
But the phrase isn't about the end times.
It actually goes back to a time of transition during Israel's monarchy in the Old Testament.
The Bible tells us the sons of Issachar were "men who understood the times and knew what Israel ought to do" (1 Chr.12:32).
So what did the sons of Issachar understand? And what did they know to do?
They understood God had stripped the kingdom away from King Saul because of his unbelief...
... and they knew it was time to align themselves with the new king, David, a man after God's own heart.
Like the sons of Issachar, we too live in a time of transition -- that's parallel to the days of Issachar.
At present God is shaking the nations, stripping humanistic Western governments of their power because of their pride...
... and He is preparing new opportunities for nations to turn to Him and acknowledge His Kingship over all.
This transition is scary because our current humanistic system is what we've grown used to.
But it's not what God intends, since it seeks to get dominion without Him.
The days ahead should provide plenty of occasions to reorient everything about our lives to the Lord.
For those with understanding, there's no reason to fear... because God's hand is in it...
Plus, we can know for sure what's wisest and safest to do...
... and that's to turn to the One who rules over the nations and serve Him.
"Of the increase of his government and of peace there shall be no end"... (Is.6:9).
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