I often make the point that God has never repealed the dominion mandate given in the first chapter of Genesis (Gen.1:28).
That is... His command for us to rule and cultivate the planet for His glory remains in force!
If you've been on this list any length of time, you've heard this before.
But there's an aspect of God's mandate we tend to overlook...
It also comes with the charge to be fruitful and multiply!
In a day when many couples -- including Christian couples -- are choosing to remain childless, this is an important point to remember.
And it warrants more attention as we've entered what's being called a "demographic winter"... where there aren't enough people to care for and replace the aging population.
I know, there are arguments for not having children -- the world's an awful place... there isn't enough food... or space... blah, blah, blah.
But I don't buy it.
The world is far from full.
And while the world's ruling elite will never govern in a way that maximizes freedom and prosperity for all humanity, God intends to accomplish this very thing as His people obey Him and apply His principles in every sphere.
So don't let all the fear-mongering affect your view of children.
A people without children are a people without a future.
But with every little image-bearer of God ever born there comes hope.